Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The S Word

"They (writers of Christian classics) would want us to understand the absurdity of sin...'We refuse ourselves to God, who only wants to save us. We give ourselves up to the world, which only wants to tyrannize over us and destroy us'...What do these testimonies mean? Away with self-serving testimonies that sound as if we do God a favor by repenting of our sin! God does us a favor by making us hate the sin that destroys us, by giving us the will to fight it, and by offering His grace to forgive it.

Quotes like these also remind us that if sin is a rat, we should start treating it like a rat. If you didn't want rats to break into your house, you wouldn't leave out food for them, and you would plug up any holes through which they might enter. If you were unable to keep them out on your own, you'd ask for advice or get some help. If you truly hated rats, you'd go to great lengths to get rid of them.

But how often do we accommodate sin, feed its desires, and treat it in the aftermath as a casual or minor mistake?"

excerpt by Gary Thomas, Thirsting for God

Seriously people, if you haven't bought this book yet, you must!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Greek Conference: Charlotte

Who are these beautiful women?! 
Although "our" Greek Conference takes place in the fall (in New York), those of you who weren't able to attend GCLI are more than welcome to attend Greek Conference in Charlotte, February 10-12. Details here. Interested? Email this guy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Re: Tebow

Ah, Timmy. Tim Tebow. Today's hero; Tomorrow's disaster?

While it's perfectly OK to respect someone's faith and to desire to emulate them, I do cringe when I see the way the world is placing #15 up on a pedestal. Christians rally around him and lift him up while skeptics want to see him fall, and fall hard. I don't watch football but I know when Tebow scores. My Facebook wall blows up. The blogosphere alights. The Tweeters are atwitter. (You'd have to live a hole to not know when Tim Tebow has scored a touchdown.) You may have even seen my reaction to the game last night on Facebook:

"Everyone is saying "Tebow!" but I think the point Tim is trying to get across is: "God!" 

How frustrating that must be for him. He is trying to point the world to God, and instead, the world points to him.  So, if you really love Tim Tebow and you are really psyched about what is going on when he's on the field, do him a favor and:

  • Give God the credit. (It's pretty obvious He's the one doing the work.)
  • Be like him. Fer real. If he's not afraid to pray on national TV, you need not feel afraid to pray over your dinner. 
  • Pray for him. Like I said, many people want him to fall. Pray that he would grow in his faith and that God will uphold him and keep him strong. Pray that people would actually know God through him.  

Re: Rush

It's the most wonderful time of the year...Rush! As you enter into a week+ of skits, small talk and bid celebrations, here are some things to think about:

  • Remember what it was like when you rushed? Could you be Greek and a Christian? Would anyone understand your faith? And remember how awesome it was when you met someone during rush that told you that you can be Greek and Christian? (ie. Jesse and Erik) Be that person. Don't be afraid to talk about how Greek IV has enhanced your Greek life experience. Don't be afraid to talk about how God has deepened your friendships within your Greek chapter. 
  • Rush is caddy. It is superficial. It is shallow. But you don't have to be. Try to speak well of everyone. Look for the good in others. Don't be a jerk. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. God has placed you in your house at this time for a purpose. Don't be disenchanted. Don't disengage. Be an agent of change. 
  • Rush is long and tedious. People can get on your nerves. You can be tempted to live myopically for two weeks. Enter into rush prayerfully. Spend time praying alone and with your brothers and sisters. "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
  • Finally, remember why we do what we do in Greek IV. If we don't keep our eye out for interested freshmen and sophomores, we can assume that Greek IV will fizzle out after our junior class graduates. This rush, promote Greek life and promote Greek IV